A compilation of a personal archive of hentai videos the best in 2020!
What is hentai? If you don't already know, I'll tell you. And so, hentai is a subculture of anime, only unlike anime, hentai shows not only a love and adventure story, but also shows the intimate part of the relationship between the characters. This is why this trend has found a huge audience among teenagers and not only). Contradictions of the genre and critics Hentai, like other forms of pornography, is often criticized for its unrealistic nature. For example, Makoto Saito mentions the unrealistic portrayal of the male penis, generating low self-esteem and insecurity in men. Considering that many young boys and girls turn to hentai for self-education, they need to gain an adequate understanding of human sexuality and learn to separate the fantasy world from the real world, but, Saito writes, publishing more realistic manga would disadvantage producers who form their own narrow view of female and male sexuality. There is also an increased demand for unusual stories. One Japa...